Peter Lynch
CC- We are introducing a new financial instrument for mistrustful small and large investors. Invest in pure climate projects through a well-secured deposit with the corresponding certificate. Green, red or white certificate - it depends on how much impact you want to have on the environment and how much profit per year you want to have along with the benefits of selling CO2 emissions. Look for CC among our Business Partners. ( Financial capital + monetary value)
If you have sufficient equity capital and appropriate collateral, we will help you to obtain suitable bank or fund financing.
(Financial capital + monetary value)
You own fixed assets, don't want to part with them and need operating or investment financing. We help you to monetize it for many of your purposes, such as: Covering operating costs, realizing transactions, achieving other investment goals, etc.
(Financial capital + monetary value)
You need to build up equity for your unique investment project. You do not sufficiently meet the requirements of the financial institutions. We step in for you and fulfill the requirements. Let us do it together. (Financial capital + monetary value)
You have construction, energy or other investment projects that are replicable and scalable. We have a unique program for you based ona rolling micro fund. It will serve your project pipeline for up to 10 years.
(Financial capital + monetary value)
We have preferential financing programs for all projects with low climate impact indicators. These are instruments with low financial costs and possible regional or macro-regional subsidies. Together we will achieve environmental and social impact, but also guaranteed economic benefits.
(Financial capital + monetary value)
You trade on a large scale, you are the contractor of a major project and you lack the resources to handle this transaction or many of them. We support you in implementing the appropriate transaction security for financial institutions, your customers or assignees.
(Financial Capital+ Monetary Value)
You have a great idea, maybe even a prototype of it, and you are thinking about the commercialization, the globalization of your project. Moreover, you want to keep your know-how and be sure that you will benefit from it now and in the future. Together with a number of funds, we have introduced a capitalization program with a payout guarantee for your idea. This offers both parties a secure future income with environmental benefits. Smart World Organisation
(Financial Capital+ Monetary Value)
We actively participate in public-private partnership projects in countries with developed legislation in this area. We use the D-BTL method to make cost-effective projects socially and qualitatively beneficial for their users. We invest in entire public projects, their renovation or only in machinery or equipment.
(Financial Capital + Monetary Value)
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See your business opportunities as a National Leader. Create national distribution with us by creating new jobs that will greatly benefit the climate in your country. See if you can become one. Vacancies are very limited.